Books                                                                     Journal articles
Miscellaneous documents                                      Search engines
Reference resources                                              Institutions, organizations
Dissertations and theses                                        Research analytics tools
Websites                                                                 Referencing tools
                                                                                Open educational resources


Academic Complete  Restricted Resource Some full text available    
Multi-disciplinary database  including biology, natural sciences, chemistry and more.

Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)   openURL
A catalog of books containing full-text e-books in various fields of science. Books from Vytautas Magnus University are already included in this catalog.                                                                         

eBooks on ScienceDirect   Restricted Resource Some full text available
Multi-disciplinary database including chemistry, ecology, medicine and more.

Springer EBooks Collections   Restricted Resource Some full text available
Multi-disciplinary database including biology, chemistry, biomedicine and more.

OAPEN Library     Some full text available openURL
E-books on biology, chemistry, social sciences.

Wiley Online eBooks  Restricted Resource Some full text available
Multi-disciplinary database including biology, chemistry, physics, engineering and more. 

                                                                                         Journal articles   

Academic Search Alumni Edition  Restricted Resource Some full text available
Peer-reviewed journals and general periodicals. Subject: biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, etc.

Academic Search Complete (EBSCO)   Restricted Resource Some full text available
Multi-disciplinary, including environmental science, biology, molecular biology, chemistry, biochemistry, physics and more.

Academic Search Premier   Restricted Resource Some full text available
Multi-disciplinary database including biology, chemistry, physics, engineering and more.
Applied Technologies and Innovations  Some full text available openURL
Multi-disciplinary database including agriculture, ecology, chemistry, biology, forestry and more.

BioMed Central   Some full text available openURL
Multi-disciplinary scientific journals. Subject: biology, biotechnology, medicine and more.

Bioline International   Some full text available openURL
Scientific journals on biology topics.

Biological & Agricultural Index Plus  Restricted Resource Some full text available
Full-text journals, more than 500 publications. Topic: biology, environmental science, genetics, horticulture, physiology, veterinary medicine, wildlife management.

Cambridge Core   Restricted Resource Some full text available

Multi-disciplinary. Topic: chemistry, biology, ecology and more.

Cogprints   Some full text available openURL
Archive of articles on topics: biology, ecology, genetics, linguistics, medicine, philosophy, psychology.

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)  Some full text available openURL
Catalog of scientific journals. Subject matter:biology,geography, agriculture and more.

Free medical Journals   Some full text available openURL 
Collection of scientific journals (biology, chemistry, pharmacy, informatics, history, medicine, dentistry, psychology, nursing, public health, zoology, veterinary medicine).

Herbert Open Access Journals (HOAJ)  Some full text available openURL
Scientific journals. Subject: biology, ecology, biomedicine, life sciences, microbiology.

IEEE Xplore  Restricted Resource Some full text available Resource contains video
Scientific articles, conferences, standards. Subject matter:medicine, biology,engineering and more.

Open Science   Some full text available openURL
Multi-disciplinary database including biology, chemistry, ecosystems, forestry and more.

Public Library of Science (PLoS)  Some full text available openURL
Full-text publications in biology and medical sciences.

RSC Gold Excluding Archive (Royal Society of Chemistry)   Some full text available openURL
Scientific journals. Subject: biology, chemistry, biophysics, medicine.

Science Publishing Group (Science PG)  Restricted Resource Some full text available
Multi-disciplinary. Subject: biology, chemistry, medicine and more.

Science Reference Center   Restricted Resource Some full text available Resource contains video
Multi-disciplinary. Subject: biology, chemistry, energy, earth and space science.

SpringerLink  Restricted Resource Some full text available
Multi-disciplinary database including biology and genetics. Subscribed till 31 December, 2007, access is provided to licensed content.
                                                                                 Miscellaneous documents

Research Management system (VMU CRIS)  Some full text available openURL  
Scientific publications, master theses and doctoral dissertations (ETD), university-published e-books and journals, scientists’ profiles, projects and other documents. Some of the works have an embargo period.

The Lithuanian Academic Electronic Library (eLABa)  Some full text available openURL 
Scientific publications, dissertations and final theses of Lithuanian scientific institutions. Some of the works have an embargo period.
  Research outputs and knowledge products.

                                                                                    Reference resources

Animal Diversity Web  Some full text available openURL Resource contains images Resource contains audio

Britannica Online  Some full text available openURL Resource contains images

                                                                                   Dissertations and theses

VDU CRIS   Some full text available openURL
University master theses, doctoral dissertations and their summaries in VMU Research Management System (VMU CRIS).

eLABa ETD  Some full text available openURL
Final theses and doctoral dissertations of Lithuanian higher education institutions in the Lithuanian e-academic library.

Digital Dissertation   Some full text available openURL   
Multidisciplinary. The collection presents dissertations of the University of Munich. Subject: agriculture, biology, botany, ecology, environmental sciences, natural sciences and more.

EBSCO Open Dissertations   Some full text available openURL
Dissertation database on various topics.

Official website of the European Union  openURL
                                                                                      Search engines
Scientific publications, master theses and doctoral dissertations (ETD), university-published e-books and journals, scientists’ profiles, projects and other documents. Some of the works have an embargo period.

VMU Virtual Library  openURL
An integrated one-stop search system that allows searching the University Library catalog, VMU Science Management System (VMU CRIS), subscribed databases, Lithuanian Academic Library (eLABa) and global academic open access resources. Some of the works have an embargo period.

VMU Library Catalogue  Some full text available openURL 

Books, periodicals, maps, manuscripts, sheet music, audio and video recordings, rare and old, e. documents, etc.

VMU Course Reading Catalogue  openURL 

Information resources recommended for study modules. You can search by study module code or title.

Academic Index  openURL
Scientific information search system.

FreeFullPDF   Some full text available openURL
Open access scholarly search engine.

Google Books    openURL
Search full text of e-books.  Some full text available  openURL
Scientific information search system.  Some full text available openURL
Global search engine in national and international scientific databases.
                                                                                    Institutions, organizations

FAO (The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)  Some full text available openURL  Resource contains images 
                                                                                   Research analytics tools  

InCites Benchmarking & Analytics (Clarivate Analytics)  Restricted Resource Some full text available
Customized, citation-based research analytics tool.

Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)  Restricted Resource Some full text available
Customized, citation-based research analytics tool.
                                                                                      Referencing tools

RefWorks  Restricted Resource
RefWorks is a free reference management tool. This tool allows to save bibliographic references of information sources; to organize them into folders according to topics or other features, to edit them and perform a record search; to compile lists of references according to different citation styles; to use Write-N-Cite tool for citing and referencing in the MS Word program, to insert references to sources in the text, and to prepare a list of references.

Zotero  openURL
Zotero is a free reference management tool. This tool allows to save bibliographic references of information sources; to organize them into folders according to topics or other features, to edit them and perform a record search; to compile lists of references according to different citation styles; to use Zotero plugin in the MS Word program, to insert references to sources in the text, and to prepare a list of references.
edX openURL
The courses are intended for those who are just starting to learn electronically and are looking for strategies for successful online learning, but also for advanced professionals. Free online courses are organized on various scientific topics, including biology.

The collection consists of tens of thousands of discipline-specific distance learning and support material, content creation tool web pages.

OpenLearn  openURL
Free courses run by the Open University, grouped under the following themes: Health, Sport and Psychology, Nature and environment.

Open Textbook Library openURL

Open access textbooks from the University of Minnesota and Purdue University, licensed by the publishers and authors for free use and adaptation: downloadable, editable and freely redistributable.

Stanford Online openURL
Stanford university's free online courses give you the opportunity to learn new skills and study new topics. Topics include biology.




Vilija Juodikienė

Key to Icons

Restricted Resource = Restricted resource
Some full text available = Some full text
openURL = OpenURL enabled

Resource contains images = Images
Resource contains video = Video files
Resource contains audio = Audio files